Science is all around us, whether we want it or not, and it can be – and should be – fun!

This site is meant to prove everyone who has any doubts about physics and science that if you open your mind and think, you can discover amazing things about your environment in a fun, enthusiastic way.

Use your brain, explore the world, find answers for yourself!

Teaching kids about science is not enough; we abandon the adults! we should get people excited about the scientific method not because we think it’s fun, but because it’s something they do without even realizing it.

We should ask questions and not give up until we understand the answers, or research and check for themselves. This is the best way of creating a new generation of rational, contributing members of society, who can benefit the world and, perhaps, with some luck and motivation, eradicate scientific ignorance forever.

Remember: True science is about experimentation and observation. If you use your brain to do some thinking, the world is at your feet!


There are two types of content in this site – articles and video experiments. The experiments must follow some basic guidelines that are meant to make sure I keep myself focused on science and that you can also do them at home, on your own, without too much equipment. Check out the experiment requirements here.


I love science, and I do this for two reasons: Fun and Reputation. Not my reputation, I don’t have one (yet?) – Science’s reputation.

But I am not doing this alone. So, here is the place where the other stars that help promote science can shine:

Symbol/Sketch (of me!)

The extremely talented Paul Hsieh, who is, accidentally, also a mathematician, among other things. Don’t worry Paul, we still love you.

Camera Operations

Mostly me, but in some of the clips, hiding behind the lens are the very brave Hila and Veronica.


The recent videos use music from the awesome band “Hoodless” (with permission, of course!). You can find information about them in <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Hoodless Rocks</a> webpage.

<a title=”Listen to some good music!” href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” alt=”Hoodless Rocks” width=”406″ height=”125″ /></a>

Or you can do yourself a huge favor and <a href=””>buy their CD</a>!