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Yes, I’m in Vegas, and contrary to common belief, this time what goes on in Vegas is not going to stay in Vegas – why, you ask? Well, because I’m here, and I’m tellin’.

We’ve just finished a busy-busy day full of amazing presentations, including a live recording of The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe (Which I only wittnessed the end of, trying to figure out my way into the lecture hall, <sigh>), Openning words by James Randi, a great debunk of homeopathy by Dr Ben Goldacre, an uber-amazing presentation by Dr Neil Degrasse Tyson and a CSI presentation by Alec Jason, who helped James Randi expose Peter Popoff’s “tricks”.

I’ve also met (finally, face to face!) Richard Saunders (Australia Mystery Investigators and Tank Vodcast) and Phil Plait (The Bad Astronomer).

So — TAM6 is still ongoing, and I already have another surprise up my sleeve that involves Richard Saunders and a very cool hushhush surprise for the attendees of TAM and the readers of the blog. So stay tuned for a definite awesomeness.

For those of you who are here in Vegas at the convention – look me up! You can write to me on the site, or by mail: moo [at] smarterthanthat [dot] com and we’ll get together for a beer. Or somethin’ 😉

Stay tuned for more Amazingness!


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